If you have ever seen plants sculpted into different shapes, you might wonder how gardeners do it. This is called topiary, or the practice of pruning and clipping plants into
Step 1: After unpackaging the moss, gently pull apart the fibers with your hands, loosening them. This will make applying just the right amount of moss much simpler. You can
Do artificial plants fade and become ugly? This is important and frequent question. The answer is DO NOTHING- the expensive materials are built to sustain fading. However, weather abuse for
How dirty will artificial plants get, and how do we clean them? This is a point of concern with all users of artificial shrubbery. It is also one of our
An alternative to plastics that gradually degrade in sunlight over time is our Polyblend Material to extend the life our outdoor topiaries in all weather conditions. HOW LONG WILL OUR
WATERING: Most plants prefer to be kept evenly moist, but not soaking wet. Ivy, Olives, Euonymus and the Herbs prefer to dry slightly before being watered. Feel the soil often