Topiary gardening is for everyone – whether you are a homeowner, live in an apartment, consider yourself an experienced gardener or confess to having a “black thumb”. Whether your home is in Alaska or in tropical Florida, there is a topiary style for you. Topiaries are loved for their beauty and versatility. There is a range of display options for indoor and outdoor topiaries. You even have the choice of using preserved topiaries for your home or office.
Boxwood topiary (most popular) has been the traditional choice for topiary for thousands of years. Its’ dense, evergreen leaves grow opposite in a rounded or slightly elongated shape. Leaf colors can range from blue-green to light green with variegation. Boxwoods grow well in zones 4-9 with partial to full sun. However, leaf bronzing can occur if the plant is exposed to intense summer sun or strong winds. Some varieties have been bred to tolerate hot, full-sun conditions. Boxwoods can grow in most soil types as long as the soil is well-drained.
The optimal varieties for boxwood topiary are small and slow-growing with dense foliage. This means the topiary shape can be maintained with occasional trimming. The boxwood’s natural shape should be considered when selecting varieties for topiary. Dwarf English boxwoods are recommended for round or small topiaries. Cone or spiral topiary styles do best with taller boxwoods. Korean boxwoods are more tolerant of cold weather than English varieties. A reputable garden center or local extension agent can recommend the best varieties for your area.
The classic topiary shapes are cone, square, spiral, globe, and obelisk. More fanciful shapes are created with wire forms. Topiaries in pots can be used as accents for other plantings or as décor for your outdoor spaces. Use large pots with good drainage. Trim growth during the spring or early summer to maintain shape. Small outdoor topiary also can be part of a vertical garden. Protect your topiary during the winter by moving it to a sheltered area such as a patio. Wrapping the topiary loosely with burlap or cardboard will safeguard it from damage.
Indoor topiary provides almost limitless options for display. Indoor topiary can be grouped on a table, placed on a mantle, or mounted on a wall. Ivy is the most common plant used but herbs such as rosemary or lavender also will work. The best location for a wall topiary is one which receives sun but does not reach the floor. You can enjoy them on your patio or deck during warm weather.
Preserved boxwood topiary is the perfect choice if you don’t wish to care for live plants or have an area that cannot support a live plant. They look real because they are real! The boxwood has been soaked in dye, treated with a preservative such as glycerin, and then dried. The glossy color and natural leaf texture are retained. All you need to do is give the preserved boxwood an occasional misting.
Versatile, beautiful, and foolproof – everyone should consider topiary gardening. TOPIARYTREE.NET